November 19, 2017
After facing off with the Sandjobs in the Semifinals, the Jordashians fought off the AC Slaters to become the Champions of Season XV!
Other winners of Season XV:
Male MVP: Jordan Anderson, Captain of the Jordashians
Female MVP: Nikki Kasparek, AC Slaters
Outstanding Offensive Player: Scott Graham, QB of Whorange
Outstanding Defensive Player: Greg Carter, Sandjobs
Legends Award: Mark Hofberg and Steve Gong
Charlie Salem Award: Sam Brown
Male Rookie: Daniel Allen, Jordashians
Female Rookie: Kristin Lynch, QB of the Power Blue Pussy Whips
Sportsperson: Drew Halunen, Captain of the Red Thot Chili Peppers
Golden Whistle Award: Brandon Waggoner
Best Boo: John Reid, Boo of Captain Alonzo Mable of Graphite
Best Fans: The Pham Family
Best Ally: Jorge Membrano, AC Slaters
All-Stars for Season XV:
Dirty Goose Division: Bill Cammas (Forest), Brandon Waggoner (Baby Blue), Jordan Anderson (Black), Oliver Jacobs (Royal), Evan B. (Forest), Adam Robbins (Baby Blue), Jared Lucas (Baby Blue), Lindsey Walton (Forest), Adam Strasberg (Baby Blue), Kyle Veldman (Black), James Rowe (Forest), Derrick Johnson (Neon Green), Levert James (Orange), Alonzo Mable (Graphite), Brandon Benjamin (Pink), CJ Babb (Orange)
Uproar Division: Mark Hofberg (Sand), Scott Graham (Safety Orange), Greg Carter (Sand), Nikki Kasparek (Slate), Sean Karson (Teal), Cameron Burrell (Safety Orange), Bryan Sanders (Safety Orange), Steve Gong (Safety Orange), Dan Shaver (Slate), Miles Simpson (Power Yellow), Dylan Eike (Teal), Amanda Livingstone (White), Marvin Washington (Power Yellow), AJ Reust (White), Donald Mitchell (Slate), Antwon Hines (Power Blue)
Rec League Awards:
League MVP: Kirk Yancey
Offensive MVP: Jens Pifereon
Defensive MVP: PJ Morgan
Best QB: Drew Halunen
Male Rookie: Dan Vladimer
Female Rookie: Stephanie McDaniel