August 16, 2021

We’re excited to have a full roster! Registration for the Fall 2021 season has filled up to capacity. If you’re on the wait list or a new player, be sure to show up to a new player workshop to be eligible to play. For any players not on the wait list who have registered but not yet paid, be sure to complete payment to secure your registration as follows:

Submit $75 for returning players or $90 for new players - follow those links for PayPal, or pay to @dcgffl on Venmo by looking under ‘Business’.

If you signed up for shorts, complete $15 shorts payment here for PayPal or use Venmo.

Once again: Wait listed players need not complete payment until we are able to pull you into regular registration.

If you signed up too late - don’t fret! You’ll get another shot at playing this fall during the Supplemental Registration period which opens in mid-September. Also, our more casual Recreation League will have games on Thursdays in October - email if interested!